Walk For Positive Life 2018

17 / 11 / 2018

PLA organised a "Walk For Positive Life 2018" Charity Walkathon Carnival at Pak Shek Kok Promenade, Tai Po on November 17, 2018, to raise funds for establishing an innovative and technological kindergarten for children "with learning disabilities". The event has concluded successfully.

Sincere thanks to committee members and team members for their active promotion and preparation before the event and for their arrival at the South Square of Pak Shek Kok Promenade, Tai Po in the early morning on that day to help decorate the venue and prepare for the various activities.

Sincere thanks to the following two guests:

- Ms. Eugina Lau (PLA Ambassador)

- Mr. Chen Guoqiang (Vice President, Federation of Parent-Teacher Associations, Tai Po District)

Sincere thanks to the following two service groups:

- The Hong Kong Scout 113th Kowloon Group of Mary Rose School

- Hong Kong Red Cross

Sincere thanks for the sponsorship / support from the following companies / institutions and schools:

- Excellent Power Industrial Limited

- Arredamenti Company Limited

- Hong Kong Ocean Park

- Zenz Organic Hair Hong Kong

- SHTB Racewalk Association

- Federation of Parent-Teacher Association, Tai Po District

- Agency For Volunteer Service

- Fanling Government Secondary School

- Yi Yi Learning Centre

- The Australia Institute of Building (Hong Kong Chapter)

- The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors

- Social Resources Development Institute

- Hong Kong Institute of Planning Engineers

- Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers

- The Hong Kong Mediation Alliance

- Plumbing Technology Student Association

Charity Walkathon

Sincere thanks to the Head of the "SHTB Racewalk Association" for demonstrating racewalk at the venue.

Heartfelt thanks to those who participated in the parent-child, secondary school and adult charity races.


Sincere thanks to the performing guests as follows:

1. Taekwondo performance:

- Tin Shing Dojang

- The Centre for Active Ageing and Community Inclusion for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

- Lok Chi Association(Class of Taekwondo)

- The Hong Kong Joint Council of Parents of the Mentally Handicapped (Class of Taekwondo)

- Hong Kong Para Taekwondo Association

2. Sing–AXA Hong Kong Worship Team

3. Violin recital – Mr. Tang Ho Yin

4. Performance of Rouliqiu – Wong Hoi Yeung

Game Stalls

Sincere thanks to co-workers and volunteers for operating the two game stalls on the day: "Funny Photography" and "Twist Balloons".


Heartfelt thanks to Ms. Eugina Lau for donating 30 copies of her latest book "Ownership of Loss".

Sincere thanks to Ms. Verna Man, a committee member, for donating hand-made soaps as gifts for two consecutive years (2017 and 2018).

Sincere thanks all you enthusiastic fundraisers. Whether you were participants in the Walkathon or donors, you have rendered strong support to the Association.

Although the amount raised by this Charity Walkathon Carnival was only about HK$180,000, which fell short of our goal of HK$220 million necessary for our school project, your strong support has given us the will to persist in our quest for funds to build the innovative and technological kindergarten to provide appropriate education for children with "learning disabilities".

We have been taking the following steps as planned:

1. We have in October 2018 submitted the architectural plans of the school to the Lands Department and other relevant departments for approval (that would take 7 to 9 months)

2. We have held the Charity Walkathon Carnival on November 17, 2018 to raise funds for the construction of the kindergarten and the related costs

3. We are planning to continue to raise funds for the construction of kindergartens and related costs in the first and second quarters of 2019

4. We are actively planning to start the construction of the school premises in the third quarter of 2019

We earnestly hope that our supporters would continue to "walk" with us for the sake of "children with learning disabilities"!

慈善競步暨嘉年華會正式開始The Charity Walkathon Carnival kicks off 籌備「正向生命行 2018」的委員及組員Committee members and team members who organized "Walk For Positive Life 2018" 「正向生命行2018」"Walk For Positive Life 2018" 大會接待處The reception area 大會司儀Verna及攝影IvanMC Verna and photographer Ivan 「正向生命行2018」支持者Supporters of "Walk For Positive Life 2018" 「正向生命行2018」支持者Supporters of "Walk For Positive Life 2018" 香港童軍九龍第113旅 (天保民學校)The Hong Kong Scout 113th Kowloon Group of Mary Rose School 香港童軍九龍第113旅 (天保民學校)The Hong Kong Scout 113th Kowloon Group of Mary Rose School 香港紅十字會急救服務隊First Aid Serrvice Team of Hong Kong Red Cross 神行太保競走會負責人示範競步Racewalk demonstration by Head of the SHTB Racewalk Association 神行太保競走會負責人示範競步Racewalk demonstration by Head of the SHTB Racewalk Association 致送銘謝狀給神行太保競走會Presentation of certificate of appreciation to SHTB Racewalk Association 競步比賽評判組Adjudication Panel of Walkathon 競步比賽開始The Walkathon starts 中學組競步開始The secondary school race starts 中學組競步情況The secondary school race in action 中學組競步比賽雙冠軍Co-champions of the secondary school race 成人組競步開始The adult race starts 成人組競步情況The adult race in action 成人組競步情況The adult race in action 親子組競步開始The parent-child race starts 親子組競步情況The parent-child race in action 攤位「鬼馬攝影」The "Funny Photography" stall 攤位「扭氣球」The "Twist Balloons" stall 跆拳道表演嘉賓Taekwondo performing guests 跆拳道表演Taekwondo performance 跆拳道表演Taekwondo performance 獻唱–AXA安盛敬拜隊Sing-AXA Hong Kong Worship Team 小提琴獨奏–鄧浩研先生Violin recital by Mr. Tang Ho Yin 柔力球表演–黃海洋小朋友Performance of Rouliqiu by Wong Hoi Yeung 頒獎嘉賓: 劉美娟小姐(正向生命大使)Priza presentation by Ms. Eugina Lau (PLA Ambassador) 頒獎嘉賓: 陳國強先生(大埔區家長教師會聯會副會長)Priza presentation by Mr. Chan Kwok Keung (Deputy President of Federation of Parent-Teacher Association, Tai Po District) 致送銘謝狀給香港童軍九龍第113旅(天保民學校)Presentation of certificate of appreciation to The Hong Kong Scout 113th Kowloon Group of Mary Rose School 致送銘謝狀給香港紅十字會Presentation of certificate of appreciation to Hong Kong Red Cross 致送銘謝狀給威卓實業有限公司Presentation of certificate of appreciation to Excellent Power Industrial Limited 致送銘謝狀給歐達傢俱有限公司Presentation of certificate of appreciation to Arredamenti Company Limited 致送銘謝狀給Zenz Organic Hair Hong KongPresentation of certificate of appreciation to Zenz Organic Hair Hong Kong 致送銘謝狀給大埔區家長教師會聯會Presentation of certificate of appreciation to Federation of Parent-Teacher Association, Tai Po District 致送銘謝狀給一沂博學教室Presentation of certificate of appreciation to Yi Yi Learning Centre 致送銘謝狀給粉嶺官立中學Presentation of certificate of appreciation to Fanling Government Secondary School 競步比賽:中學組 - 雙冠軍得獎者Secondary school race - Co-Champions 競步比賽:中學組 - 亞軍及季軍得獎者Secondary school race - 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up 競步比賽:成人組 - 冠軍得獎者Adult race - Champion 競步比賽:成人組 - 亞軍得獎者Adult race - 1st Runner-up 競步比賽:成人組 - 季軍得獎者Adult race - 2nd Runner-up 競步比賽:成人組 - 季軍得獎者Adult race - 2nd Runner-up 競步比賽:親子組 - 冠軍得獎者Parents-Child race - Champion 競步比賽:親子組 - 亞軍得獎者Parents-Child race - 1st Runner-up 競步比賽:親子組 - 季軍得獎者Parents-Child race - 2nd Runner-up 競步比賽:親子組 - 季軍得獎者Parents-Child race - 2nd Runner-up 致送花束給劉美娟小姐(正向生命大使)Presentation of bouquet to Ms. Eugina Lau (PLA Ambassador) 致送銘謝狀給劉美娟小姐(正向生命大使)Presentation of certificate of appreciation to Ms. Eugina Lau (PLA Ambassador) 致送銘謝狀給嘉年華會表演嘉賓Presentation of certificate of appreciation to guests of performance of Carnival 致送銘謝狀給嘉年華會表演嘉賓Presentation of certificate of appreciation to guests of performance of Carnival 致送銘謝狀給嘉年華會表演嘉賓Presentation of certificate of appreciation to guests of performance of Carnival 致送銘謝狀給嘉年華會表演嘉賓Presentation of certificate of appreciationn to guests of performance of Carnival 致送銘謝狀給嘉年華會表演嘉賓Presentation of certificate of appreciation to guests of performance of Carnival 致送銘謝狀給嘉年華會表演嘉賓Presentation of certificate of appreciation to guests of performance of Carnival 致送銘謝狀給嘉年華會表演嘉賓Presentation of certificate of appreciation to guests of performance of Carnival 致送銘謝狀給嘉年華會表演嘉賓Presentation of certificate of appreciation to guests of performance of Carnival 致送銘謝狀給支持機構Presentation of certificate of appreciation to supporting organizations 致送銘謝狀給支持機構Presentation of certificate of appreciation to supporting organizations 致送銘謝狀給支持機構Presentation of certificate of appreciation to supporting organizations 致送銘謝狀給支持機構Presentation of certificate of appreciation to supporting organizations 致送銘謝狀給支持機構Presentation of certificate of appreciation to supporting organizations 致送銘謝狀給支持機構Presentation of certificate of appreciation to supporting organizations