My child has grown in the "Growth Classroom"

家長心聲At the age of two, Jing Jing was assessed by the Children Assessment Centre as having "autistic tendency and delayed development". Since that day, I have enrolled him in various intensive courses in private child training institutions, hoping to improve his condition. However, none of those courses or tutors appeared to suit his needs, and there was no marked progress.

As his mother, I felt very guilty and helpless. I could only keep forcing Jing Jing to receive training that he did not like. Every time he finished training, he always burst into tears. I continued to search the Internet for training courses that might suit Jing Jing's needs, and then I came across the Positive Life Association (PLA). After reading the philosophy of PLA in detail and listening to its founder, educational psychologist Dr. Jane Nam, I decided to "give it a try" and arranged for Jing Jing to undergo Dr. Jane Nam's assessment. Throughout the process, Dr. Jane Nam carefully assessed Jing Jing's condition. She clearly pointed out that Jing Jing was in fact a smart child with high "Visual-Spatial Intelligence" and rich learning potential.

Subsequently, Jing Jing began to participate in the training activities of PLA's "Growth Classroom". In just three months, he made remarkable progress. In the past he never played with children of his age, but now he likes to actively contact other children and learns to interact with them. People may consider that a matter of course, but to me, that was a great encouragement, a dream come true.

In addition, Jing Jing had in the past always resisted sitting down to receive Table Task training, but recently his "cooperation" and "attention span" have continued to improve and progress, and his motivation for learning has also increased. More importantly, Jing Jing is now more cheerful. He laughs more, and likes to interact with us. These changes in him fill the family with joy and hope. With Jing Jing's progress, we, too, have gradually come out of the gloom of "my son is autistic'.

Jing Jing has now changed to a mainstream kindergarten. Here, I sincerely thank Dr. Jane Nam and her team for laying the foundation for my son. Although Jing Jing's road ahead is still full of challenges and requires learning and training of various kinds, my husband and I are full of hopes and will work hard together to make him grow positively!

Greetings from Jing Jing's mother